Unittest your Flask Application - Test your File Upload Method
In this post I'll shortly explain how to unittest your Flask-Upload-Method. Normally you don't want to use your hard drive, so an in memory file would be ideal.
def test_fileupload(self):
user = User(email='john.doe@example.com', password='john1234', username='johnny')
user.admin = False
with self.client as c:
rv = login(c, 'johnny', 'john1234')
self.assertTrue('index_page_7890' in str(rv.data))
rv = c.get('/upload', follow_redirects=True)
self.assertTrue("upload_site_234889" in str(rv.data))
testfile_bytes = b"fdjasdfjksjkadf"
testfile = (io.BytesIO(testfile_bytes), 'testing_134.txt')
data = {'files[]': testfile}
rv = c.post('/_upload', data=data, follow_redirects=True,
ret = rv.json['files'][0]
self.assertEqual('testing_134.txt', ret['name'])
url = ret['url']
getfile = c.get(url, follow_redirects=True)
self.assertEqual(testfile_bytes, getfile.data)
As you can see I use with self.client as c:
to preserve the client context and navigate at my site. I created an user named johnny
and committed him to the databse. Then I navigate to the upload site and verify it's the correct page. I do this with an tag which only renders when testing is enabled.
With testfile = (io.BytesIO(testfile_bytes), 'testing_134.txt')
I create an tuple which contains the bytes from testfile_bytes
. This is in my case some gibberish.
I then post the data to my upload method. As I use the JQuery File Upload from Blueimp my upload method returns a json. ret = rv.json['files'][0]
Then I do some checks , e.g. if the filename is correct and I get the Url from the returned Json.
Then I download the file from the returned url and verify it contains the same bytes I uploaded.