Sipgate API: Send SMS via simple Webhook Anyone who wants to test their systems for availability cannot avoid a type of monitoring., for example, is ideal for this use case. Unfortunately does not offer a service
opengl How to load an HDRI Panorama as a Cubemap in OpenGl In this post I want you to show how to load an Panorama Image into an Cube Map. The Panorama Image is commonly abbreviated as HDRI. It is often an HDRI, but the
How to use MikkTSpace in your Project If you looked into the topic of Tangent calculation you have certainly came across MikkTSpace. It's an tangent space calculation, the same that for example Blender uses. To use the Mikktspace implementation provided
Coding Using Shaders for Image Post-processing with OpenGL In this post I'd like to show you some Kernels and their effects on the image and how to use modern OpenGL for Image Post-processing. What you already need to know before advancing
GameDev Log #4 I'm wondering if I should name this GameDev Log or GameEngine Dev Log or... well I'm far far away from a functioning game. But If I only wanted to make a game I
Coding GameDev Log #3 Long time no see, or read? Well, either way here I am with a new GameDev Log. And of course I don't really know it this gets read by someone at all. If
Computer Science Software Design Patterns: Proxy In today's world everyone came across a proxy server. As in the world of the internet a Proxy in Software Design Patterns is very similar to the Proxy Server. It's a substitute for
Computer Science Software Design Patterns: Bridge The Bridge Pattern separates two things: Implementation and Abstraction. Implementation and Abstraction can independently exist and everything is really nicely decoupled. Only on runtime you define to what implementation you "talk" to. You
Unix Inkscape 1.0: How-To Fix Lags in Mac OS X If you downloaded the latest version of Inkscape >= 1.0, maybe you have experienced heavy lags while using it. I have a somewhat beefy Mac with an 4 Ghz Intel Core i7,
Computer Science Software Design Patterns: Adapter The Adapter is a very common Software Design Pattern. Sometimes it is known as Wrapper, often in Projects you'll find Adapters and Wrappers all over. As in the physical world, for example an
Computer Science Software Design Pattern: Singleton The Singleton belong to the Creation Patterns. It ensures that only one instance of that specific class can be created and it provides an global access to that instance. For example an Abstract
Computer Science Software Design Pattern: Abstract Factory The Abstract Factory belongs to the creation patterns. Objects can be created with it. It belongs to the famous twenty-threee GoF design Patterns. For example, a GUIFactory could be used to create buttons
Arduino TL231 - 24V 4-20mA Water Level Sensor with an Arduino IntroSome years ago I installed a water level sensor, based on an ultrasound sensor. The principal were that I installed an ultrasound module at the top of the cistern and measured the distance
Arduino Current to Voltage Module for Sensing Small Currents 4-20mA HW-685 You can find the Current to Voltage Module HW-685 on Ebay and Aliexpress. With this module you can transform the current readings into voltage and later on read this voltage with your ADC
Unix MAC OS X: Change Auto-start Apps If you want to change your Auto-start Applications on MAC OS X and you've typed 'Autostart' in your search bar you'll find nothing. Great Apple. But of course you can type it into
Arduino LED&KEY Module - TM1638 There comes a time you just want to test your code. For example if you write some control for a watering system you want to drive some pumps and or toggle valves. For
Unix Download *.m3u with FFMPEG Sometimes you come across a streaming website which is so uncomfortable to stream and watch videos, you just want to download the videos and then watch them later. IntroIt happened to me today.
Miscellaneous Why the FLIRC Case is the BEST Case for Your Raspberry Pi Review and install instructions of the FLIRC Case for the Raspberry Pi - In my opinion the BEST Case out of aluminium for the Raspberry - and the most good looking.
Miscellaneous Install n8n behind an NGINX-Proxy Last couple of days I found this gem on the web: it's like Zapier, but self hosted and open source. And for most jobs you have its enough.
Miscellaneous VGWORT Zählpixel einbinden - ohne Layout Verschiebung Wie man einen VGWort zählpixel einfügt, ohne dass es einem das Layout zerschiesst.
Miscellaneous Create Screenshots at a specific Timestamp from all Videos in a Folder How to create a screenshot with ffmpeg at a specific timestamp.
Miscellaneous Automate Ghost with n8n and Webhooks Automate Ghost witn n8n and webhooks and tell google to add a new blogpost to the google index whenever you publish or update a post.
Arduino ESP8266 - hard resetting via rts pin... Have you ever gotten the message: hard resetting via rts pin...? It's not an error.
Miscellaneous Game DevLog Series #3 - Finding Corners and Edges Sometimes I get hung up on tiny little things. I feel like I could do better on this code or this. And I often think is this efficient enough? Does it performs good?
Arduino Arduino-Zisternen - Pegelstandsmessung Teil 3 Ich habe lange Zeit nicht mehr an meine Zisternen - Pegelstandsmessung gearbeitet, dann kam noch ein bisschen Stress mit Uni und Arbeit hinzu und schwups vergeht die Zeit. (Artikel geschrieben im Jahr 2018