How to use MikkTSpace in your Project

If you looked into the topic of Tangent calculation you have certainly came across MikkTSpace. It's an tangent space calculation, the same that for example Blender uses.

To use the Mikktspace implementation provided by Github is really easy. First my "calc_tangents.h" with my callback functions that you'll register with the mikktspace implementation.

#pragma once

#include "mikktspace.h"


namespace Pretzel {

    class Mesh;

    class CalcTangents {

        void calc(Mesh *mesh);


        SMikkTSpaceInterface iface{};
        SMikkTSpaceContext context{};

        static int get_vertex_index(const SMikkTSpaceContext *context, int iFace, int iVert);

        static int get_num_faces(const SMikkTSpaceContext *context);
        static int get_num_vertices_of_face(const SMikkTSpaceContext *context, int iFace);
        static void get_position(const SMikkTSpaceContext *context, float outpos[],
                                 int iFace, int iVert);

        static void get_normal(const SMikkTSpaceContext *context, float outnormal[],
                               int iFace, int iVert);

        static void get_tex_coords(const SMikkTSpaceContext *context, float outuv[],
                                   int iFace, int iVert);

        static void set_tspace_basic(const SMikkTSpaceContext *context,
                                     const float tangentu[],
                                     float fSign, int iFace, int iVert);


and here my implementation of callback functions:

    CalcTangents::CalcTangents() {
        iface.m_getNumFaces = get_num_faces;
        iface.m_getNumVerticesOfFace = get_num_vertices_of_face;

        iface.m_getNormal = get_normal;
        iface.m_getPosition = get_position;
        iface.m_getTexCoord = get_tex_coords;
        iface.m_setTSpaceBasic = set_tspace_basic;

        context.m_pInterface = &iface;

    void CalcTangents::calc(Mesh *mesh) {

        context.m_pUserData = mesh;

            spdlog::debug("[CalcTangents] with Mesh: {}", mesh->name);


    int CalcTangents::get_num_faces(const SMikkTSpaceContext *context) {
        Mesh *working_mesh = static_cast<Mesh*> (context->m_pUserData);

        float f_size = (float)working_mesh->indices.size() / 3.f;
        int i_size = (int)working_mesh->indices.size() / 3;

        assert((f_size - (float)i_size) == 0.f);

            spdlog::debug("[CalcTangents] get_num_faces: {}", i_size);

        return i_size;

    int CalcTangents::get_num_vertices_of_face(const SMikkTSpaceContext *context,
                                               const int iFace) {
        Mesh *working_mesh = static_cast<Mesh*> (context->m_pUserData);

        if(working_mesh->draw_mode == GL_TRIANGLES) {
            return 3;
        throw std::logic_error("no vertices with less than 3 and more than 3 supported");

    void CalcTangents::get_position(const SMikkTSpaceContext *context,
                                    float *outpos,
                                    const int iFace, const int iVert) {

        Mesh *working_mesh = static_cast<Mesh*> (context->m_pUserData);

        auto index = get_vertex_index(context, iFace, iVert);
        auto vertex = working_mesh->vertices[index];

            spdlog::debug("[CalcTangents] get_position({}): {}", index,

        outpos[0] = vertex.position.x;
        outpos[1] = vertex.position.y;
        outpos[2] = vertex.position.z;

    void CalcTangents::get_normal(const SMikkTSpaceContext *context,
                                  float *outnormal,
                                  const int iFace, const int iVert) {
        Mesh *working_mesh = static_cast<Mesh*> (context->m_pUserData);

        auto index = get_vertex_index(context, iFace, iVert);
        auto vertex = working_mesh->vertices[index];

            spdlog::debug("[CalcTangents] get_normal({}): {}", index,

        outnormal[0] = vertex.normal.x;
        outnormal[1] = vertex.normal.y;
        outnormal[2] = vertex.normal.z;

    void CalcTangents::get_tex_coords(const SMikkTSpaceContext *context,
                                      float *outuv,
                                      const int iFace, const int iVert) {
        Mesh *working_mesh = static_cast<Mesh*> (context->m_pUserData);

        auto index = get_vertex_index(context, iFace, iVert);
        auto vertex = working_mesh->vertices[index];

            spdlog::debug("[CalcTangents] get_tex_coords({}): {}", index,

        outuv[0] = vertex.tex_coords.x;
        outuv[1] = vertex.tex_coords.y;

    void CalcTangents::set_tspace_basic(const SMikkTSpaceContext *context,
                                        const float *tangentu,
                                        const float fSign, const int iFace, const int iVert) {
        Mesh *working_mesh = static_cast<Mesh*> (context->m_pUserData);

        auto index = get_vertex_index(context, iFace, iVert);
        auto *vertex = &working_mesh->vertices[index];

        vertex->tangent.x = tangentu[0];
        vertex->tangent.y = tangentu[1];
        vertex->tangent.z = tangentu[2];
        vertex->tangent.w = fSign;

            spdlog::debug("[CalcTangents] set_tspace_basic({}) fSign:{}  {}", index, fSign,

    int CalcTangents::get_vertex_index(const SMikkTSpaceContext *context, int iFace, int iVert) {
        Mesh *working_mesh = static_cast<Mesh*> (context->m_pUserData);

        auto face_size = get_num_vertices_of_face(context, iFace);

        auto indices_index = (iFace * face_size) + iVert;

        int index = working_mesh->indices[indices_index];
        return index;