Unix Inkscape 1.0: How-To Fix Lags in Mac OS X If you downloaded the latest version of Inkscape >= 1.0, maybe you have experienced heavy lags while using it. I have a somewhat beefy Mac with an 4 Ghz Intel Core i7,
Unix MAC OS X: Change Auto-start Apps If you want to change your Auto-start Applications on MAC OS X and you've typed 'Autostart' in your search bar you'll find nothing. Great Apple. But of course you can type it into
Unix Download *.m3u with FFMPEG Sometimes you come across a streaming website which is so uncomfortable to stream and watch videos, you just want to download the videos and then watch them later. IntroIt happened to me today.
Miscellaneous Why the FLIRC Case is the BEST Case for Your Raspberry Pi Review and install instructions of the FLIRC Case for the Raspberry Pi - In my opinion the BEST Case out of aluminium for the Raspberry - and the most good looking.
Miscellaneous Install n8n behind an NGINX-Proxy Last couple of days I found this gem on the web: https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n it's like Zapier, but self hosted and open source. And for most jobs you have its enough.
Miscellaneous VGWORT Zählpixel einbinden - ohne Layout Verschiebung Wie man einen VGWort zählpixel einfügt, ohne dass es einem das Layout zerschiesst.
Miscellaneous Create Screenshots at a specific Timestamp from all Videos in a Folder How to create a screenshot with ffmpeg at a specific timestamp.
Miscellaneous Automate Ghost with n8n and Webhooks Automate Ghost witn n8n and webhooks and tell google to add a new blogpost to the google index whenever you publish or update a post.
Arduino ESP8266 - hard resetting via rts pin... Have you ever gotten the message: hard resetting via rts pin...? It's not an error.
Miscellaneous Game DevLog Series #3 - Finding Corners and Edges Sometimes I get hung up on tiny little things. I feel like I could do better on this code or this. And I often think is this efficient enough? Does it performs good?
Unix Germany's Corona Warn App - Scan Devices in your vicinity Use an ESP32 to scan devices which use the Corona-Warn-App in your vicinity.
Unix Backup like the Borgs - with Borg Backup Borg Backup divides your Backup in little encrypted Chunks - like little Borg cubes ;). Borgs Backup key features are encryption and differential Backups Generally they also have an really really nice documentation. So
Miscellaneous Game DevLog Series #1 In this Game DevLog I'm writing about my experience, ups and downs coding my own little 2d game engine.
Miscellaneous Trello alternatives 2020 - Docker ready. Quick comparison between some Trello-Style Kanban Boards.
Unix MAC Address Randomization on iOS The last couple of days I've been looking into WiFi-Security. It came into my perspective by looking at Spacehuhns WiFi Deauther. I already knew a little bit about WiFi-Security before, and heard that
Miscellaneous Create a Docker Network which will only listen to specific IPs When you've got your VPS with Gitlab installed, Gitlab binds to port 22 on the host machine for easy ssh push/pull for your Gitlab projects. When you still want to be able
Miscellaneous In Nextcloud SFTP als External Storage hinzufügen Okay dieses kleine 'Missverständnis' hat mich jetzt ca. 15min Zeit gekostet. Man muss zu meiner Verteidigung sagen: Ich war noch nicht wirklich wach. Falls Ihr aber danach googelt und euch wundert warum verflixt
Miscellaneous Anleitung: Wie man Disqus in ein Ghost Blog integriert In diesem kleinen Blogeintrag stelle ich euch vor wie Ihr DISQUS in euren Ghost Blog einbindet. Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten, und ich versuche jede einzelne euch vorzustellen. Vorbereitungen geht auf: Universal Code Disqus,
Miscellaneous Use Wordpress Behind NGINX-PROXY - with SSL If your Wordpress Installation won't load resources via https it's because behind the Proxy/Loadbalancer etc. the traffic is handled via http, mostly because it's a secured subnet or it's on the same
Miscellaneous Docker Container löschen In diesem Blogpost erkläre ich euch, wie man Docker Container löschen kann - und dies mit nur einem Befehl. Auch hilfreich ist das löschen von allen Images um etwa Platz zu schaffen Gerade
Miscellaneous Flask File Upload Example In this blog post I'll show you how to upload files with the Flask Microframework. The code from this example is taken from my MinCloud open source project. Maybe this is not the
Miscellaneous FHEM Logging in eine SQL-Datenbank Das File Logging in FHEM ist meiner Meinung nach wirklich nur für kleine Logging-Aufgaben oder für die schnelle Fehlerfindung geeignet. Deshalb hier eine kleine Beschreibung wie man das File-Logging auf einem FHEM-System auf
Miscellaneous Ghost Blog - Mail Server einrichten Mail Server für die Blogging Platform Ghost einrichten.